Caravan palace tour 2016 usa
Caravan palace tour 2016 usa

caravan palace tour 2016 usa caravan palace tour 2016 usa

They reportedly first came together to fashion a soundtrack for an adult silent film. For all the electronic flourishes, Caravan Palace are not just knob-twiddlers: The core players started out as jazz musicians, and multi-instrumentalists at that. The Parisian septet claims both Django Reinhardt and Daft Punk as inspirations, but those influences don't fully capture the group's palpable joie de vivre. The group's world tours are known to sell out, thanks both to the live spectacle they put on and a devoted fan base that likes to dress up (think zoot suits and bowlers).

caravan palace tour 2016 usa

Her feet are liable to break out into a choreographed Charleston at any moment, and her clear, bell-like voice plays master of ceremonies to a swirling, manic sound. Colotis is filled with pixie-ish energy, and in a live show, when she promises you're about to have fun, you'd better believe her. Caravan Palace's version is exuberant stuff, filled with horns and the vintage ‘20s vocal stylings of French singer Zoé Colotis. Swing music has always been dance music, but when you mix it with modern bass, electronic beats and studio trickery, it becomes party music on steroids. Dubbed "electro-swing," Caravan Palace's irrepressible musical mélange is nothing if not infectious.

Caravan palace tour 2016 usa